10 August 2011


For a long time now I have been in awe of women who allow their hair to grey naturally against the convention of a youth obsessed society.  Naturally grey women have a hauteur and a style that I can only envy.  I'm lucky in that at present I don't need to dye my hair, but the silver is creeping in slowly but surely.  Will I have the courage to keep away from the dyes and milk the kind of elegance that these women have?

Top Photo of Kristen McMenamy from Dazed and Confused Magazine
Bottom photo from Toast website


bridechic said...

One wonders. I noticed a gray hair or two in my head a few years back (okay, more than a few) and went blonde. It was an eventual process done with streaks but now I'm almost an all over blonde. I'd forgotten my true hair color till a couple days ago I ran across a picture of myself in the 90s. Brunette!

Preity Lama Tamang said...

omg!! its always weird that i wanted my hair to be silver / greyish hair!!