Back in the mid 1980's Liverpool was a grey and sad place. Ravaged by a chronic lack of post war investment and with Margaret Thatcher trying her best to bury us, there was little on the cultural landscape to inspire a fashion mad teenager like myself. Then on Friday nights The Tube came along. Not only was it one of the few places where we could see the bands we loved (unsurprisingly not many of them made it onto Top of the Pops) but more importantly it was where Paula Yates burst into my consciousness. Here was a woman who knew her music, looked amazing and was as cheeky as hell. I fell wholly and completely under her spell.
We all know the lurid details of the tragedy that became her life but I prefer not to dwell on those. Paula to me was colour and life, strength and beauty in the drab landscape that was my teenage years. Not usually recognised as a style icon, I am now on a one woman mission to put her on the style map where she belongs.
For sure. Paula Yates was always stylish - and very individual indeed. Colour, and fabulousness! Am surprised more isn't made of her look. Nice one, Jane.
She did have a good look - original and natural, not over done - yet unique - very sad about her passing.
Cheers Tess
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